In Mint’s Hints 2, players are thrust into a chilling scenario where the once-beloved television set of Mint’s show has become a ghostly shell of its former glory. After the show’s cancellation under mysterious and sinister circumstances, it’s revealed that a devious plot aimed at profit led to devastating consequences. The abandoned set now harbors spirits and enigmatic creatures, making every corner and shadow a potential threat. Players must delve deep into this forgotten world, piecing together the story and discerning allies from adversaries in a setting where nothing is as it seems.
As the game progresses, players make a crucial alliance with a replica android of the show’s star—Mint. This partnership is born out of necessity, as players agree to search the desolate set for Mint’s lost power cores. Armed with tools designed for ghost-hunting, players navigate through the eerie remnants of the studio, uncovering hidden clues and interacting with the spectral remnants of the show’s past. Each hint brings them closer to understanding the true reason behind the show’s abrupt end and closer to their ultimate goal: to reactivate Android Mint and secure their escape before time runs out.
Mint’s Hints 2 is designed to keep players on the edge of their seats for a solid two hours of playtime. The game intricately combines elements of ghost hunting with physical challenges like navigating obstacle courses and engaging in high-speed cart races. These features are intertwined with a rich lore that unfolds through uniquely styled VHS cutscenes, adding layers of depth and intrigue to the storyline. Enhanced by realistic voice acting and crafted on the powerful Unreal Engine, the game challenges players’ courage and puzzle-solving skills and offers a visually rich, immersive world that pulls them deeper into the mystery.